Reflection on 2020 — and a time to recentre scattered senses

Jim Leeves
4 min readDec 21, 2020


Would someone like to explain what just happened?? It feels like only a couple of weeks ago since the news was telling us about a potential virus outbreak that could have a significant impact on how we would live our lives. Fast forward 9 months and we finally have an opportunity to reflect on how we got here.

2020 has certainly been a year like no other but if possible I’m aiming to avoid the usual cliches and write about a few of the things that have helped me out this year. In lots of ways life has been turned upside down, leaving us feeling rather bruised and somewhat discombobulated. In other ways, nothing has changed at all.

At a time when plenty of people will be writing blogs or journal entries with their take on the year that was, I‘d encourage you to too. A time to reflect and process what we’ve all been through (and will continue to go through) is something I’ve enjoyed doing.

So whether this is read by 5 people or 500, here are my top 5 ideas that have solidified in my thinking over the past year and act as a bit of a ‘rule of life’ for me. I’m looking to take these forward into 2021 regardless of what life throws our way.

  1. Be Yourself

Pretending and performing are tiring. What are you passionate about? What do you love? The times I feel most comfortable are the ones where I am sharing something of myself with the people I’m with. Whether it’s a passion, an idea or a feeling, if you’re able to be true to yourself then you’ve a far better chance of enjoying the time you spend with others. Knowing you are loved and knowing your identity are critical to this.

2. Be Human

Being human for me is about being kind to myself and others. It is about accepting that we are a paradox. We can be absolutely brilliant and we can be completely flawed, sometimes at the same time, sometimes in the same hour. Others have this ability too.

Being human is about accepting the flaws in ourselves and others while still encouraging ourselves and others to be brilliant. Being human I know that there is one thing I desperately need and desperately try to give. Grace.

3. Be Positive

Our mindset is probably this single most powerful thing we possess. Being positive isn’t about liking everything that happens or not being challenged or emotionally impacted by circumstances, but it’s choosing to see the positive and be grateful for small things even when life is hard.

For anyone interested I’ve really enjoyed reading ‘The Obstacle is The Way — The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity into Advantage’ by Ryan Holiday recently.

4. Be Hopeful

There’s an argument to be had that says hope is every bit as critical to our survival as the air we breath.

One thing that’s encouraged and super impressed me recently are people who have worked to create a potentially world changing vaccine to tackle Covid-19. To anyone involved in the development and distribution of Covid vaccines to people over the next few months and years hats off. You are flippin’ amazing and a reason to hope.

If I need to listen to songs about hope I listen to John Mark McMillan’s The Medicine

5. Be Honest

Be honest, this year has been tough. Where are your safe spaces where you can talk honestly about what it looks like to be yourself, be human, be positive and be hopeful? Is it your partner, a close friend, a community, a team, a manager, or maybe just out on your own as part of your own spiritual journey. Spending time to reflect and listen to how others are dealing with life following the year that was will be time well spent I can assure you.

There is a lot in life that we can’t control. 2020 proved that to us beyond a shadow of a doubt. My hope is that you’ve been able to take some of the positives from the last 12 months and can use them to help negotiate 2021 and beyond.

Perhaps these ideas can act as a precedent for future unprecedence? (is that even a word?!)

Anyway. Here’s to 2021 — reflect, rest, recentre and go again :)

Some thank yous

In no particular order I’d like to thank who have supported me in 2020; Dario Bucceri who has inspired me to write, the Xero Team (way too many people here to appreciate and thank for their hard work, support and challenge they bring to the [now virtual] table), my amazing wife Becca and the 3 kids who now take up far too much space in my house, my CV community, Monty Don 🌱, Richard Osman 🤓, David Seaman 🧤, my wider family and many many others who have helped make 2020 better than it might otherwise have been. Thank you.



Jim Leeves
Jim Leeves

Written by Jim Leeves

Husband to Becca, Dad to Ruby, Paddy & Etta, Son, Brother, Gooner, 49er & Sacrilegious follower of Jesus. Consulting and people managing at scale with Xero

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